Avoid saving Passwords in your Browser

Avoid saving Passwords in your Browser

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   August 14, 2024

TASK: Some web browsers allow you to "remember" your password when you login to eBay, email or Amazon etc. This is really bad practice although it is convenient. But as you will see privacy takes effort, the easiest path is usually the least private. With just a little more effort you can improve your situation drastically. Use a password manager rather than trusting your browser with passwords.

WHY: Browsers can have leaks and vulnerabilities. Often users do not update their browsers with the latest security patches which leave them open to attack more and more over time. Browsers are also very complex bits of software primarily designed to browse the web, storing passwords therefore is a sort of secondary duty. Best practice is to use a dedicated password manager, specifically designed to do the job. I recommend KeePassXC for offline storage and if you must use the cloud then go for Bitwarden. So step one is to get your passwords off your browser. Once you know they are safely stored in KeePassXC and backed up then delete the entries in your browser. This process could day an hour or months to ensure it goes smoothly. Take your time.

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