Browsing with your computer rather than your phone.

Browsing with your computer rather than your phone.

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   September 6, 2023

TASK: Try where possible to use your computer for browsing the internet rather than your phone.

WHY: Several reasons:

  1. You can more easily configure a secure browser on your computer. You can run Firefox, Tor or Brave for example, you have choice. With the phone most people use the browser provided with the phone which is more difficult to configure in a private way.
  2. It can be more difficult to run a VPN and/or Tor on a phone, especially iOS that limits the use of both. Ie with iOS you cannot really use a kill switch to its full effect. A kill switch stops all internet traffic until the VPN is connected.
  3. Most phones are chock full of apps and therefore vulnerabilities. Tip: Delete apps on your phone that are not being used.
  4. More advantages you could consider are that you use your phone less, speak to people more. On a computer when you browse you also use a bigger screen in a more comfortable position.

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