Dangers of Fitness Trackers

Dangers of Fitness Trackers

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   December 13, 2023

TASK: Have a read of this article from CNBC. Even though we don't usual support articles from this source it is interesting that even mainstream media attaches some importance to data gathered by smart watches and the like.

WHY: We all want to be more healthy, but if the price is sharing your location data from your training sessions, sleep patters, eating habits and more personal health information is that worth it? Mainstream devices often sell this information to pharma, big tech and can be forced to provide it to the authorities. 

Some interesting points to consider:

  1. Remember that fitness tracking companies that you think might be reputable, can be taken over or purchased by less reputable companies, along with your data.
  2. Fitness data is not protected by law like your medical data, but is still sensitive.
  3. Even if they say your data in 'anonymised' it is in most cases trivial to deanonymise your data by correlating with other information that is publicly available.

Try to use open source software if you can and at the very least use a pseudonym and burner email address.

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