"Just download our App!" - or Prefferably Don't

"Just download our App!" - or Prefferably Don't

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   January 17, 2024

TASK: Try to use a computer, web browser or some combination of tools rather than taking the easy option of downloading a companies app.

WHY: Companies love it when you download their app. This way they can get far more information out of you. The app can communicate directly with the companies server and track your usage patters, location, internet connection method, physical movement and potentially your financial transactions with that service. 

Consider using a secure browser to visit the companies website, get what information you need and make the booking that way? Take booking.com, their website has tons of tracking, but their app will have way more and be more invasive over time. It is permanently on your phone if you install the app. You can of course limit apps from getting certain bits of information like location for example but most people do not seem to bother.

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