Keeping Your Spending Private

Keeping Your Spending Private

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 17, 2024

TASK: Go through the next week and think about all the financial transactions you make. Most people will use cards or bank transfers for these and are therefore easily tracked by their banks and other third parties. Try to use cash and gift cards when you can to at least try and keep some of your privacy and freedom intact.

Read this excellent resource for a long discussion and how to improve your financial privacy.

WHY: Even though this might not seem bad to you, if things take a turn for the worse, or cash is removed, or through no fault of your own you end up on a list the banks don't like you may have your accounts limited or frozen. Paypal has a bad reputation for this. Try pay for a Cuban cigar using Paypal and see what happens. Cancel culture is strong. So try to minimise your digital trail. It is difficult but it makes sense to try. This article assumes of course you are acting in good faith and not committing crimes etc.

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