Learn to Encrypt Your Files

Learn to Encrypt Your Files

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   August 16, 2023

TASK: Try using Veracrypt to encrypt some of your files. Lets say you are a lawyer and have some sensitive work files that you wish to travel with. Rather than storing these unprotected on your laptop/USB/Cloud you can encrypt them with a password and make them almost impossible to access by anyone else. Instructions are on the Veracrypt website or you can just follow the instructions on the desktop application.

WHY: This allows you to safely travel with your sensitive documents. If your USB with sensitive documents is lost or taken at least you know no one else can access the data. You can also store data on a cloud service in an encrypted container that is almost impossible for anyone to access but you. If you make backups of your personal documents on a hard disk that you say keep with friends/colleagues/strangers then at least you know that if they ever get curious they will still not be able to access your data.

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