Open Source Software

Open Source Software

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   July 26, 2023

TASK: Open source software is code that can be used and read by anyone. There is some licencing involved and these have some nuances but for the most part the software is written so that anyone can use it, copy it and change it.

With open source code people can share ideas, build on the work of others and make more decentralised software available on the internet. Companies like Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, TikTok and Amazon are closed source, this means no one can read, understand or know what the code is doing under the hood. This means that these companies can do all sorts of unwanted or unintended things without you knowing.

So open source software is more honest in a way, anyone can see what is going on. Well, anyone who can read and understand the code that it, but at least the option is there...

WHY: Understanding that you have options in terms of software use is important. You don't have to use big tech, there is so much open source software out there that any problem can be solved by using it. You also support privacy, transparency, the little guy or girl and open up the market to alternatives. It is a healthy ecosystem, more healthy, in my opinion, than the walled gardens of big tech.

Some resources to learn more about open source software:

OpenSource home page

Wikipedia Article

Open Source Mapping

De google your life, a list of open source software that can help you move away from big tech.

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