Privacy Means Safety

Privacy Means Safety

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 14, 2023

TASK: By making the effort to be private online you are also enhancing your physical safety. This is particular true for anyone who is being victimised, stalked or has some value to others. You dont need to be rich, but if you are richer than your attacker they still have a reason to find a weakness in your setup and steal your funds or exploit you in some way. This may sound dark, and the bad side of computing is just that, but you can avoid it to a large extent. Use the tools.

WHY: Have a read of this article:

MySudo is an excellent privacy tool. They do a good job of explaining the topic. Privacy takes effort and time, just like securing your home. You need motivation to do it, perhaps increasing your personal security may help you.

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