Securing Your Email

Securing Your Email

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 10, 2024

TASK: Email was never designed with privacy in mind. You should have the mindset that email is used to get things done, but it is a form of communication that by default gives you little to no protection. In fact companies like Google, Hotmail (Microsoft) etc actively read your emails and then send you targeted advertising based on the content. This is how they pay for their services. You are the product.

So, read this article from that describes how you can improve. now offers a cloud service, a calendar and most importantly end to end encrypted email if you send to other proton users. This is a great step forward.

WHY: Companies, medical offices and other entities often ask you to send sensitive information over email. Just remember,this is like sending that information on an open postcard for all to see. So try to use the tools like Proton to improve your setup. We have no affiliation with the company, it is just a great product.

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