Securing Your Email with PGP

Securing Your Email with PGP

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   December 27, 2023

TASK: Email is not designed with privacy in mind, however, you can make the situation a great deal better by using PGP. PGP is a tool that has been around since the 90's and can help you sign and encrypt the content of your emails. This article provides and excellent explanation on how to us PGP.

WHY: Most people use one of the big tech companies to host their email. This means most, if not all of the content is scanned, stored and used for advertisers, surveillance and kept for an indefinite period. To prevent all and sundry reading your email content, some of which my have work contract details, health information, family news and issues, then using PGP can go a long way to improve your privacy. It does take an hour or so to use for the first time, and you will have some more effort to put in convincing others to use it, but as always this hard work can have valuable rewards and give you significant protection.

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