Simplex.Chat - Possibly the best messaging yet

Simplex.Chat - Possibly the best messaging yet

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   December 6, 2023

TASK: Try this new chat app called Simplex. It is designed to help users be almost completely private. It does not even have usernames. Tested and works very well. It is open source and incredibly clever.

WHY: Messaging apps like WhatsApp are closed source, which means you don't know what is under the hood. You don't know what they are doing and therefore cannot trust them. Signal improved things a great deal being open source and employs a very good security model. Session improved on this by not using phone numbers, Briar is even more private but makes certain trade offs. Simplex seems to have just nailed it by solving almost all the thorny privacy tradeoffs.

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