Stop Using Google Search

Stop Using Google Search

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   May 10, 2023

TASK: Try to improve your understanding of search engines. When you use Google it remembers everything you search for and matches that with your IP address. Your IP address is probably linked to your home address and your identity. In other words Google knows everything you search for. Do you really want that? There are more private search engines which I will introduce over time. For today try this one: Startpage.

WHY: Using Startpage makes your searches almost anonymous. The disadvantage is that you don't get results linked to your location or your own personality/history/traits. So your search results are less personalised but also not surveilled and analysed. Protect your data. Protect yourself against online tracking. Moving as far as you can from Google is a good start. Using a different search engine is an easy first step....

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