The 'Better Than' Rule

The 'Better Than' Rule

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 18, 2023

TASK: Privacy online is a game between you trying to protect your privacy and companies trying to obtain your data in order to sell it. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. So when you lose and you take a step back by getting forced to make a Zoom video call (terrible for privacy) as opposed to say a Signal or Jitsi video call then you may just have to accept this. In this case try use Zoom with a psuedonym or a spare computer then move on, at least use a good VPN like Mullvad or Proton. Sometimes it is just difficult to keep private online, so try to minimise the damage. Just apply the better than rule, ie use a zoom with a VPN, rather than just Zoom itself. The is 'Better Than' Zoom alone which will then harvest your IP address. 

WHY: You can get quite down when you realise just how much corporate surveillance there is, how good it is, and how hard it is to avoid it. So just try and be better than the next person, better than the default setup, better than completely giving up...

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