The Bitcoin Lightning Network

The Bitcoin Lightning Network

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   July 12, 2023

TASK: As Bitcoin adoption and awareness grows around the world it is worth educating yourself. One of the best ways is to try a Lightning wallet. This is, in simplistic terms, a wallet app yo can download to your phone which can send near instant transactions for almost zero fees. You can scan a QR code from a vendor or a friend or send the address in text form over a messaging app. There are drawbacks and tradeoffs but the positves far outweigh the negatives.

Try any one of these wallets and find a friend, or another device or a vendor and make some transactions. It is pretty mindblowing what you can do.



For more information on the lightning network check out these links:

Lightning Resources


WHY: Learning how to use money in its different forms can help you prepare for an unpredictable future. You can at least have options.

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