The Threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies is Now Very Real

The Threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies is Now Very Real

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   March 20, 2024

TASK: Have a read of this article about how Norway is soon to implement a CBDC. This will made to be sound good but is very scary. Other countries are hot on their heels. Norway will use a privately controlled blockchain based on Ethereum which is basically a shitcoin and fully centralised. There will be no privacy, no financial discipline and more tokens can be printed at will by the controlling authority.

WHY: Understanding how CBDC's work will give you cause for fear. Governments can issue money directly to your bank account, this may be used to hook people in and make them thing CBDC's are a good thing. Then the same government can make that money expire at a certain date, so they force you to spend it say within a month or a year etc. This will be 'for the good of the economy' etc. They can also see when and where you spend your money. This spending can be restricted to certain shops, certain areas and certain time. So they will have full control and surveillance of your spending. They can also suspend your account immediately, and can do it automatically based against arbitrarily chosen criteria. It is terrifying and very much the end of freedom.

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