Turn phone location services off

Turn phone location services off

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   July 3, 2024

TASK: Turn phone location services off as your default state. Most of the time you do not need your phone to keep track of your location and be sharing this information with your apps, Apple, Google and potentially the hardware manufacturer.

WHY: Companies are incentivised to know where you are. To be fair they can then tailor their services in a more sensible way and offer you hotels "near you" for example. The trade off is that all these random companies and other silent third parties get access to your location. This is not just here and there, anytime you have your phone with you this location data can be tracked. It is a bit like wearing an ankle bracelet that transmits your location all the time. Like someone one parole might have to wear. This may sound like a drastic analogy but there is merit in the comparison. Just try to give away less data, your location being a very important part of that dataset.

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