Turn Your Bluetooth Off

Turn Your Bluetooth Off

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 28, 2023

TASK: Turn your Bluetooth off when you are not using it. Your phone has four radio systems on it:

  1. Cellular, as in your actual phone.
  2. Bluetooth
  3. Wi-Fi
  4. Near Field Communication (NFC)

Each one of these systems can be used to track you, so get used to turning them off. Bluetooth is probably used the least. So turn it off the most!

WHY: Most phones have a unique Bluetooth ID which over time can be associated to your real world identity. For example in a shopping mall Bluetooth scanners can track your movements through the mall and individual shops. This is useful data for the mall and the shops. You can see how long customers spend in each shop, how they move etc....

If you make a purchase not using cash and you are the only one in the shop with Bluetooth switched on then your real world identity is easily tied to your Bluetooth ID. Over time these links can me made stronger as you form patterns. This data is then used or sold then often hacked and leaked. Take a simple step to mitigate the risk by turning your Bluetooth off.

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