UK can potentially access all your online browsing data

UK can potentially access all your online browsing data

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   September 27, 2023

TASK: Have a read of this article. It describes how the UK has budgeted for a way to collect all data from Internet Service Providers. This may be for good, in the sense that it helps criminal investigations, but this sort of dragnet surveillance often lands innocent people in the net too. There are unwanted second order effects and effectively no privacy on the internet when this happens. What if you have a sensitive medical issue, or a family matter to discuss, do you really want that to be available to surveillance entities?

WHY: Be aware that this is going on, use a VPN, protect your privacy. The government may have good intent but their databases can be breached and your data stolen, and that is just one negative outcome.

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