Use a Browser rather than the App

Use a Browser rather than the App

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   April 20, 2023

TASK: Everywhere you go, and every site you have will say: "We have an App for that, just download it here..."

It is often better to use a browser like Firefox (privacy orientated) and visit the website rather than use the app for that company.

WHY: The more apps you have on your phone or computer the greater attack surface you have. Each of these apps can also track your usage history, location, contacts, calendar, habits and more. Most people just allow apps access to their location, contacts and more, not ideal. You can also block access but you never really know if that is actually happening under the hood. So there is a strong argument to using the webapps and web browsers rather than the app on your phone.

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