Use a Password Manager

Use a Password Manager

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   June 9, 2022

TASK: Try to resist the temptation of saving your usernames and passwords on your browser. For example, when you browse to a website and log in you are often given the option to “remember password.” This then stores your username and password in your browser. This is very convenient but has major problems as discussed below. It is far better to use a password manager like KeepassXC which is completely offline, or if you must use a cloud service then try Bitwarden.

WHY: You tend to use your browser to visit all sorts of websites. Some will have malware and most will track you in some way. Having your login details stored on software primarily designed o browse the internet and not dedicated to the job of keeping your login details safe is not optimal. If your computer crashes, or your browser data is somehow leaked you can lose this vital information and you will have to start over. You may also need to use different browsers for different tasks. What if you change operating systems and your old browser is no longer supported? Using a password manager that is independent, open source and platform agnostic is a more flexible approach. A system that is easy to backup will save many future headaches and is far more secure. So use a password manager.

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