Use GrapheneOS for your Mobile Operating System

Use GrapheneOS for your Mobile Operating System

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   June 7, 2023

TASK: This is a complex one but worth looking at as you get time and more interested in protecting your privacy. Instead of running Apple or Google Android on your phone there are more private operating systems you can use. Strangely these actually run on Google Pixel phones which are some of the most secure phones but the least private. However, they allow you to run a different phone operating systems like GrapheneOS, which is our goal here. Perhaps this will plant the seed that it is possible to do, and when you get the hardware and the time you can level up.

WHY: Android and Apple phones are linked to an account. This account is generally linked to your real world identity because people tend to buy their phones with their credit cards and not cash or are on some sort of deal. Devices also have a hardware identifier which is linked to everything you do. Apple and Google (which makes Android) are always “calling home”. This means they let the companies know which apps you are using, where you are, how long you use the apps for and much much more. If you run GrapheneOS you can mitigate this calling home business and gain many more security benefits by default. For a huge leap forward in privacy go GrapheneOS.

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