Use More Private Search Tools

Use More Private Search Tools

  • mdo 
  •   Daily Tasks
  •   November 22, 2023

TASK: Make the following search engine your default:

WHY: Most users of the internet will “Google” something they wish to learn more about. They go to the Google search tool and type away almost automatically. This tool is free to use. So how does Google pay for it? What they do is take your search results, match it with your personal identity using your IP address and browser fingerprinting and in so doing Google learns a great deal about you. As you do more searches, the more Google learns about you. By using the SEARX tool, you anonymise both your search query and the results that are returned. You therefore stop Google learning your search history. In this case you have to trust the SEARX tool of course. So do your own research and check for yourself whether it can be trusted. I certainly trust it way more than Google. Better still you can host a SEARX tool yourself, although this is quite advanced but overall pretty easy to do using a service like Yunohost for example. An alternative is to use DuckDuckGo. This is better than Google in theory, but worse than SEARX, in my opinion. The advantage is that it is in the drop-down list of search tools in many cases.

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